inventions and discoveries


In 1840 Samuel Morse received patent 1,647 for inventing the telegraph, a device that allowed messages to be sent over long distances

The alphabetic code related to the telegraph, ended up becoming known as the "Morse Code"

In 1880 Thomas Edison was awarded patent 223,898 for creating the light bulb                   Edison was the inventor or co-inventor of more than 1,000 patents.                                                         
In 1888 Nikola Tesla obtained patent 381,968 for his electromagnetic motor, considered the basis for modern motors.


On October 16, 2017, a team of astronomers announced the first known detection of ripples in space-time called gravitational waves generated by this type of violent and invisible phenomenon.

New clues to the day the dinosaurs died. A mysterious ancient human tooth. primordial galaxies. Discover how 2022 has expanded our knowledge of the world within and beyond its borders

Resultados de traducción

Resultado de traducNew clues to the day the dinosaurs died. A mysterious ancient human tooth. primordial galaxies. Discover how 2022 has expanded our knowledge of the world within and beyond its border
